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3ds max exprience part 1: Buil
2011-05-08 17:51 2532
my exprience one is that you can draw an object by common, but you must think about how many segments you make that it can use memories as less as possible and fit or similiar a object you want it to be. before you build it, you must think about your computer's memories.

two is that you can draw an object by sharp tools, simply line. it can draw an unusally object you want that modify it by modifier tools, simply extand, geomark, surface etc. in the stack, it have veritx and segment to change the line.

three is that you can draw an object by NURBS, i think it is an advanced tools but easy to use to draw unusallly objects, simply hair, characters, animals, plants etc. in the stack, it have curves and point to change the NURBS line. and then NURBS surface it to be a visible surface objects like standand objects.

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