
参考造价:50万元| 风格:现代简约| 空间:三居| 面积:120平米| 浏览数:1482
案例简介 Case description
入户长廊 | Entrance Hall

Notwithstanding a portion of space in the entrance hall cannot be altered due to the house structure, we connect the whole wall placed along the south side of the entrance hall with the wall in the original dining area together; in this way, the space of entrance hall and corners are saved. Moreover, the L-shaped suspended cabinets can readily provide room for storage and volumes that offer a sense of space.


At the end of the entrance hall stands a multifaceted non-rectangular wall that is linearly formed, contrasting with the entirety of the orderly interior space, which can balance the viewer’s visual sensation.

The customized red non-rectangular block, coupled with the corner triangle cabinets, combines to establish a parallel relationship in a subtle manner, which remarkably presents the connectivity of planes and spaces while weakening the divisions of space.
悬挂柜延伸至入户门厅, the suspended cabinets stretch to the entrance hallway
开放式厨房, open kitchen

Not only does the black U-shaped countertop run through the entire kitchen, but it also extends itself to the multifunctional living space, making it much more convenient for people to operate in the kitchen. Besides, a simple yet potent sense of geometric volume is manifested through the thickness of the layered blocks conveys.


By dint of the technique of “concealment”, the electrical appliances, such as the steam oven, refrigerator, water dispenser, and gas oven, are laid out in an orderly manner, mounted in the surrounding cabinets and hanging cabinets – the layout of appliances helps stretch the kitchen space. Thanks to the “handleless” cabinets, the integrity and continuity of planes are maintained.
大量收纳柜充盈着整个公共立面, the open living space is laden with copious storage cabinets
白色悬挂体块所连接的岛台将开放式厨房与一体化客餐厅分离的同时也达到了空间视觉通透的效果, the island connected by a white hanging block renders the entire space transparent while separating the open kitchen from the multifunctional living area

In addition, the white hanging block connects the visually divided living area and the kitchen with the aid of a suspended sintered stone island. The cylindrical sink mounted in the island dulls the sharpness of lines effected by the intersection of the white block and the black island. Functionally speaking, the island, together with the open kitchen, makes kitchen operations – from fetching food from the refrigerator, preparing the dishes on the countertops, and passing the dishes across the island – smooth and easy.
岩板岛台, sintered stone island
从厨房看向入户走廊一角, view of the corner of the entrance hall from the kitchen
复合型公共区域 | Multifunctional Living Space

We create an integrated versatile open space that covers dining, hospitality, leisure, and recreation. This entire space can enlarge the scale of the dimension, making the circulation in the space far more flexible; at the same time, it is designed to maximize the flow and integration of the interior space, making it possible for the owners to walk through every corner of the house freely. Besides, the untrammeled movement in the space conveys a free and carefree attitude towards life.

起居空间一览, an overview of the living space
拉开移门后,镜面背景墙不仅仅增强了空间的容积和视觉通透感,其镜面反射所呈现的画面更能制造虚实合一的趣味, as the sliding door is opened, the mirror wall inside is revealed, which is intended to strengthen the volume and transparency of space; the sight presented by the mirror reflection will add a distinctive blend of the reality and the unreal world
从公共空间看向厨房, view of the kitchen from the living space

In the absence of obvious space partitions and boundaries, the placement of objects is released, enhancing its flexibility.
休闲阳台, leisure balcony
拱形顶面增添阅读的仪式感,摆脱建筑高度限制所形成的压迫感, the arched ceiling adds a sense of ceremony to reading and dispels the oppressiveness caused by the height limit of the building
阅读角, the reading corner in the balcony

We adhere to the strict principle of making the spaces absolutely open and relatively closed: while keeping the overall space open enough, we never fail to neglect necessary privacy for the owners; therefore, we retain the master bedroom and a second bedroom. More importantly, another bedroom with low utilization is converted into two parts – an open walk-in closet and a separate laundry room, with hidden glass sliding doors as a partition. In doing so, the necessary privacy and openness of space are maintained. Further, the entry and exit on the left and right of the corridor are connected, thus improving the ventilation and lighting of the open living space and ensuring certain continuity in each area.
开放式衣帽间, open walk-in closet
从洗衣房看向公共区域,墙内暗藏玻璃吊滑门,保证了良好的静谧性和隐秘性, view of the open living space from the laundry room; the hidden Changhong glass sliding doors offer a satisfactory quiet atmosphere and ensure privacy
客卫 | Guest Bathroom

We adopt the dry and wet separation design for the guest bathroom. Besides, we stick with the integrated design in every area, which can tremendously increase the ductility of materials and create a surprising impression on viewers.

客卫干区, the dry area
从客卫干区看向起居空间, view of the open living space from the guest bathroom
客卫湿区, the wet area
卧室 | Bedroom

走道尽头两侧即是通向私密空间;隐形门作为卧室房门,将空间进行拓展与延续,模糊了空间的的界限, At the end of the corridor, there are two hidden-framed doors on both sides leading to the private rooms, expanding the space itself and also blurring the boundaries of space

Through building a non-enclosed wall, we aim to enlarge the bathroom area, and therefore define the master bathroom as a subspace subordinate to the bedroom. The wall and floor of the bathroom are covered in light grey micro-cement; a sunken bathtub, an alcove, and sintered stone table are added in the space. With the atmosphere lights mounted on the top of the wall and the bottom of the tub, all these elements combine to create a relaxing and romantic atmosphere for bathing. What’s more, the customized black steel mirror is designed to partition off the master bedroom and the master bathroom. While keeping the openness of the overall space, the position of the wall and the mirror guarantees the relative privacy of the bathroom
从走道看向主卫, view of the master bathroom from the passageway
主卫一览, overall view of the master bathroom
浴缸和壁龛, the bathtub and the alcove
利用定制镜将主卧与主卫两个空间分隔开来,在保持整体空间开放性的同时,通过墙体和镜子的位置,保证了主卫的相对隐秘, the customized black steel mirror is designed to partition off the master bedroom and the master bathroom. While keeping the openness of the overall space, the position of the wall and the mirror guarantees the relative privacy of the bathroom
连接主卫与主卧的浴镜, the bath mirror connecting the master bathroom and the master bedroom

In the master bedroom, the sense of simplicity is maintained. The customized wardrobes at the entry are laid out along the wall, offering enough space for storage. The materials of floor transition from micro-cement to light brown wood floor; The overall atmosphere in the master bedroom is warm and cozy, suggesting a functional transition from the public to the private. The built-in skirting lines allow a natural transition between the floor and the wall, leaving an impression of stretching the floor height.
降低床的高度,让床垫直接放置于定制T型地台之上,地台两侧可作为床头柜,方便放置日常物件, with the height of the bed lowered, the mattress can be directly placed on the customized T-shaped platform, and both sides of the platform are used as bedside tables, on which various items can be placed
Since the bay window in the original structure is removed, we fashion a floating desk, which can do double duty – an office desk and dressing table. To a certain extent, the space of the master bedroom is maximized.
位于主卧的悬浮书桌, the floating desk in the master bedroom
空间收纳图 plan of storage space
项目平面图 plan after renovation


门外世界 门里生活
门外世界 门里生活
YM黟木 | 125㎡现代奶油风
YM黟木 | 125㎡现代奶油风

刘春华 认证设计师


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