洞悉时光流转的旧工厂 —— 中山博达·外

参考造价:暂未填写| 空间:售楼中心| 面积:1657平米| 浏览数:16596
案例简介 Case description
在城市里,每一座旧建筑都藏匿着她的身世,人们对她的存在习以为常,这也成为理所当然对其忽视的借口。本案是由一座就旧工厂改建而成的销售中心。设计师贯彻「公共性 开放性 趣味性」的设计理念,保留了原厂房的内部空间结构与砖墙肌理,以旧有锅炉洞作为参透整个空间的窗口,致敬旧厂房工业历史的同时,帮助业主在新的场地创造新的意义,建立过去与现在的和平对话。
All old buildings in city hides her lot and people are accustomed to her and neglect her. This case is based on a sales center modified by a old plant. With the design concept of “publicity, openness and interestingness”, the designer retains the internal special structure and brick wall texture of the original plant and employs the old boiler hole as the window of the whole space. Such design not only pays respect to the industrial history of the old plant, but also facilitates the owner to create new significance in new site and establish a peaceful communication between past and now.
洞悉时光流转的旧工厂 —— 中山博达
▲由旧工厂改建而成的销售中心,sales center is renovated from an old plant
The whole space demonstrates an overall openness: the transparency brought about by the flow of up and down, the endless vertical feeling and the huge glass wall. At the parallel space time of review and reconstruction, you can also enjoy the slow and slight posture of time. You even can choose to forget the existing of time and focus on the current.
洞悉时光流转的旧工厂 —— 中山博达
▲上下贯通的空间,the visual coherence of the space
[Flourish cirrus, insight from hole]
Though the world seed from hole only has part, it is deep. Through progressive layers, all insights from the hole facilitate the enjoyment. The vertical iron stand is in the hole while being covered by the flourish cirrus. Thus, the up and down flow and communicate.
洞悉时光流转的旧工厂 —— 中山博达
the upper and lower space are connected by the old boiler hole
洞悉时光流转的旧工厂 —— 中山博达
the upper and lower space are connected by the old boiler hole
[Overlaying light and shadow, calligraphy and paintings]
You would have broad view when moving to the first layer. The big bookcase cantilevering and crossing two layers and the huge transparent glass wall enable the sun radiate to the whole room and make the cold wall and wooden bookcase warmer. Inside and outside, warm and cold, the different tones form a changeable drama in the cross lines.
洞悉时光流转的旧工厂 —— 中山博达
The book wall of business negotiation area is a huge artistic painting background composed by hundreds of books. The orderly book arrangement provides reasonable balance to the romantic books space. You can meet reason here, and you can find beauty here.
the book wall in the business negotiation area
洞悉时光流转的旧工厂 —— 中山博达
▲空间中的细节,detail of the space
▲开放的公共厨房位于二层,the open communal kitchen is located on the second floor
[Dust on wall and brick, embroidery of time]
The reaction and reflect between old wall and embroidery board is both restoring and imaginary. Their intrinsic beauty of volume and texture enables people to feel the time through the surface changes. Meanwhile, the designer sets a stand type easel and hopes that people can stand in the mini art gallery and express their feeling. It is a happiness experience with slowly time.
▲穿梭于艺术走廊,wondering trough the art gallery
洞悉时光流转的旧工厂 —— 中山博达
▲旧和新的材质相互碰撞,the reaction and reflect between old wall and embroidery board
The designer hopes that it can be more than a temporary site for reaching transaction, and it can be a starting point for public community life in the future
洞悉时光流转的旧工厂 —— 中山博达
项目面积:1657 ㎡
参与设计师:謝英凱 Thomas Tse / 吳川文 Exit Ng / 田芳 Titian Tin / 余江垿 James Yue / 鄭楓洋 Owen Chueng / 李莉 Lili Lee / 宋玥宸 Joyce Sung
摄影:Otto Au


YORO御融设计 | 合景天汇营销中心
YORO御融设计 | 合景天汇营销中心
AVAD范可萨设计 | 绿城锦玉园售楼处
AVAD范可萨设计 | 绿城锦玉园售楼处

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