我的位置:设计本 > 室内设计师 > 杨邦胜设计师 > 杨邦胜设计集团再度斩获全球酒店设计大奖美国金钥匙奖

2021-02-21 16:39 614

被誉为“全球酒店设计最高荣誉”的金钥匙奖(GOLD KEY AWARDS),于美国时间12月14日举行线上颁奖盛典,隆重揭晓2020年度大奖。YANG设计集团酒店设计作品——南京金鹰G酒店,从全球350份酒店设计作品中脱颖而出,斩获最佳高档酒店设计大奖。
This year, winners of the Gold Key Awards for Excellence in Hospitality Design were revealed during a virtual ceremony on December 14. The design work of YANG & Associates Group - Golden Eagle G Hotel Nanjing - stood out from a field of 350 submissions around the world and won the Best Hotel Upscale.

Established in 1980, the Gold Key Awards is proud to celebrate its 40th anniversary this year. As the industry’s oldest and most prestigious awards program, the competition recognizes the most influential and innovative design work in the international hospitality industry. Finalists and winners are determined by a high-profile jury of industry leaders from the hospitality operations, design, development, and investment sectors with the perspectives of concept, execution, innovation and overall WOW coefficient, making winning works the trend indicators for global hospitality design of each year.


This year’s competition went fierce as always as it attracted more than 100 design firms around the world, including top players such as HBA, Gensler, Rockwell and YabuPushelberg. As the only Chinese finalist in the Best Hotel Upscale category, Golden Eagle G Hotel Nanjing lived up to expectations and won the title despite the challenge of the other finalists from the U.S., the U.K. and Mexico.

在本届颁奖典礼上揭晓的最终大奖名单可谓星光熠熠,实至名归。除YANG斩获最佳高档酒店设计大奖外,由美国Champalimaud Design 设计的新加坡莱佛士酒店获最佳豪华酒店设计,而最佳奢华大堂奖则由HBA洛杉矶总部设计的加利福利亚圣巴巴拉市丽思卡尔顿酒店获得。
The list of winners unveiled at the ceremony was star-studded and well deserved. In addition to YANG who won the Best Hotel Upscale, Champalimaud Design was awarded the Best Hotel Luxury by virtue of the Raffles Singapore, while HBA Los Angeles beat its competitors with the Ritz-Carlton Bacara, Santa Barbara, California which was honored the Best Lobby Luxury.

In 2014, YANG won this most prestigious awards for excellence in hospitality design for the first time. The then Best Resort honor was high praise for the designer’s authentic expression to both traditional and regional cultures. Six years later, Golden Eagle G Hotel Nanjing again convinced the international panel of judges by a perfect combination between regional culture and advanced technology, oriental aesthetics and modern trends. The creation of brand-new oriental culture marks YANG’s another breakthrough in communicating cultural distinctiveness in an international way. 

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